Friday, August 7, 2009

Visiting the Andres in Michigan [Part 1]

My sister-in-law grew up on a farm in Michigan and during our trip to the States we were lucky enough to hang out with her wonderful family (the Andres) on their farm. We had a great time and learned some things too. Below is the view from their home of their soybeans.
Soybeans on the left, barns in the distance. (The red barn was remarkably rebuilt by my sister-in-law's dad and brother. We saw the slideshow of the whole process. It's pretty amazing).
Beginning our walk around the farm. Corn on the left, soybeans again on the right.
Close-up of soybean plants.
Close-up of soybean flowers.
Matt standing amongst corn.
We learned a lot about corn. If we can get our hands on some seeds, we'll try to grow it in our yard next year. 

We learned that the above part of the plant needs to pollinate each strand of the husk pictured below. Each strand is actually a tube that is attached to a single kernel of corn, and each tube needs to be pollinated in order for it's kernel to form. 

We learned that corn roots are very shallow...

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